This is a pre-test for students to answer questions at the start of the course in relation to their academic discussion experience, academic discussion skills and perspective taking (affective and cognitive). There are a total of 25 items and it will take about 10-15 minutes to complete it.
This is a post-test for students to answer questions at the end of the course in relation to their academic discussion experience, academic discussion skills and perspective taking (affective and cognitive). There are a total of 25 items and it will take about 10-15 minutes to complete it.
This pre-questionnaire for teachers aims to know more about how teachers facilitate academic discussion, what challenges students face in engaging in academic discussions, and how competent students are in their academic discussion skills and in positive norms before implementing Perspective Taking in Academic Discussion in their respective courses.
This is a post-questionnaire for teachers after implementing the materials in their respective course(s). It should take about 10-15 minutes to complete the questionnaire.